
Why Account Takeover Attacks Still Succeed, and Why the Browser is Your Secret Weapon in Stopping Them

Security teams are struggling to protect against account takeovers. This is because account takeover attacks begin, take place, and ends in the browser. A secure browser can completely eliminate this severe risk, and provide protection where legacy security controls fail.

In this whitepaper, we dive into the technical details of how to turn browsers from targets to active weapons that protect against account takeovers.

Read and discover:

  • How the SaaS Express Kill Chain works
  • Why an insecure browser is vulnerable to account takeovers
  • Advanced analysis of account takeover TTPs: phishing, malicious browser extensions, and accessing through login pages
  • How a browser security platform disrupts the kill chain
  • And more

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Security teams are struggling to protect against account takeovers. This is because account takeover attacks begin, take place, and ends in the browser. A secure browser can completely eliminate this severe risk, and provide protection where legacy security controls fail.

In this whitepaper, we dive into the technical details of how to turn browsers from targets to active weapons that protect against account takeovers.

Read and discover:

  • How the SaaS Express Kill Chain works
  • Why an insecure browser is vulnerable to account takeovers
  • Advanced analysis of account takeover TTPs: phishing, malicious browser extensions, and accessing through login pages
  • How a browser security platform disrupts the kill chain
  • And more

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